Use "self-indulgent|self indulgent" in a sentence

1. He was self-sacrificing, not self-indulgent.

2. Never be so self - indulgent.

3. Can I not miss a self-indulgent oneself.

4. No, only crass, self-indulgent people kill themselves.

5. An entirely self-indulgent brain dump of random Blitherings

6. The novel is too long and self-indulgent.

7. Bobbi's just a spoiled and self-indulgent rich kid.

8. A self - indulgent America opened the flood - gates of chaos.

9. It made her lazy, it made her rather self-indulgent.

10. Oh, not forgetting a stack of self-indulgent musical wanderings.

11. For anyone else this is a self-indulgent luxury.

12. She was all soft and loose and self-indulgent.

13. To buy flowers for myself seems wildly self-indulgent.

14. 27 To buy flowers for myself seems wildly self-indulgent.

15. It feels self-indulgent spending so much on a pair of shoes.

16. She writes a tedious and self-indulgent column for a Sunday paper.

17. But we can not afford to be so self-indulgent and dismissive.

18. 15 It feels self-indulgent spending so much on a pair of shoes.

19. He scorns educational research as a self-indulgent and pointless waste of time.

20. I know it's self-indulgent of me, but I'll just have another chocolate.

21. Why was a life of self-indulgent comfort not for Jesus and his followers?

22. They were regarded as at best degenerate and self-indulgent, and at worst as vicious.

23. Writers, they say , are whiny, self - indulgent creatures who spend too much time alone.

24. A fatuous and self - indulgent ruler wouldn't spend much time reading and replying to memorials.

25. Synonyms for Bratty include demanding, obnoxious, overindulged, selfish, spoilt, spoiled, troublesome, ill-mannered, precocious and self-indulgent

26. Antonyms for Abstemious include self-indulgent, greedy, intemperate, gluttonous, incontinent, edacious, hungry, immoderate, unrestrained and voracious

27. 5 More self-indulgent self-important twaddle, the product of a rock star who really did believe his own press, his own myth.

28. It seems A trifle self-indulgent to enjoy such esoteric pleasure in the midst of so much want

29. The current reigning emperor is fatuous and self - indulgent , he just hunts in the hunting enclosure everyday.

30. 18 Holiness is not achieved by taking the line of least resistance or by being self-indulgent.

31. Ptolemy XII was generally described as a weak, self-indulgent man, a drunkard, and a music lover.

32. 13 Greens blamed the plight of spotted owls on loggers ; the loggers blamed unemployment on self - indulgent ornithology.

33. When you spend time having fun, you know you're being self-indulgent. Alarms start to go off fairly quickly.

34. Equal parts amusing and excruciating to watch, this self-indulgent sojourn in suburbia is certainly no Defending Your Life.

35. This requires that we give up foolish, immoral reading, or reading to acquire power, or reading that is self-indulgent.

36. She turned herself over in her bed, and snuggled down for an extra, self-indulgent and rare hour of sleep.

37. It is not only those who dismiss the arts as self-indulgent who lay themselves open to such a charge.

38. Washington, that bastion of deaf ears and self-indulgent thinking, is actually trying to relate to the country it represents.

39. When his fields are starved of minerals through self-indulgent agriculture, he tries to impose his own will upon the land.

40. She is indulgent to her grandchildren.

41. A little indulgent, I understand.

42. Baked stuffed potatoes are an indulgent starch.

43. Binged, binge·ing or bing·ing, bing·es To be immoderately self-indulgent and unrestrained, especially in food or drink

44. Binged, binge·ing or bing·ing, bing·es To be immoderately self-indulgent and unrestrained, especially in food or drink

45. He said they were the self-indulgent ramblings of a patches-on-the-elbow peasant, and who the hell did he think he was anyway?

46. Mr. Green is indulgent of others'shortcomings.

47. He is indulgent towards his pupils.

48. Be indulgent it is sincere in the main.

49. At three a.m. she was Jay-in-love-with-Lucy, writing bad poetry or self-indulgent screeds of what daylight sneered at as a journal.

50. We shouldn't be indulgent towards his mistakes.

51. The way in which the man of genius rules is by persuading an efficient minority to coerce an indifferent and self-indulgent majority(James Fitzjames Stephen.

52. You are too indulgent with your children.

53. This sorbet is so creamy and totally indulgent.

54. In their chastened smile is an indulgent mockery.

55. 5 synonyms for Complaisant: accommodating, agreeable, indulgent, obliging, obliging

56. Mothers tend to be less indulgent towards daughters.

57. Good food and drink were the Cossetings of the self-indulgent and working to produce them was time misspent; all very well for Southern Europeans with their Int

58. I also have you in dream, I also miss that you do not think of, self-indulgent from occupy already and unscrupulously your the tender feelings of water...

59. He was rather too indulgent in humouring her caprices.

60. You're ruining that child, eg by being too indulgent.

61. 25 In their chastened smile is an indulgent mockery.

62. Corpulent adjective fat, large, overweight, plump, stout, bulky, burly, obese, fleshy, beefy (informal), tubby, portly, roly-poly, rotund, well-padded His rather Corpulent figure betrayed his self-indulgent lifestyle

63. 63ff.) suggests that Antiascetic sentiments began to be expressed as Buddhists responded to critical remarks made by Jains to the effect that Buddhist monastics were lazy and self-indulgent

64. 63ff.) suggests that Antiascetic sentiments began to be expressed as Buddhists responded to critical remarks made by Jains to the effect that Buddhist monastics were lazy and self-indulgent.

65. He was an indulgent father, ever ready to provide new clothes.

66. 3 That coinage led to the general castigation of young adults by their elders in that indulgent era as the Me Generation, preoccupied with material gain and "obsessed with self."

67. - English Only forum In their Chastened smile is an indulgent mockery.

68. - English Only forum In their Chastened smile is an indulgent mockery

69. Hurstwood smiled in an indulgent way as he read this letter.

70. His indulgent mother was willing to let him do anything he wanted.

71. Angelopoulos has made an indulgent, at times breathtaking film with big ambitions.

72. Abstinence implies the willful avoidance of pleasures, especially of food and drink, thought to be harmful or self-indulgent: "I vainly reminded him of his protracted Abstinence from food" (Emily Brontë).

73. There was a time when that sort of message would bring indulgent smiles.

74. He had been a strict father but was indulgent to/towards his grandchildren.

75. Coveting prayers would be greedy, selfish and self-indulgent prayers—a little like Janis Joplin’s song that asks the Lord to buy her a Mercedes Benz, a color TV and a night on the town.

76. It is possible that twelfth-century laymen regarded his outpourings with an indulgent smile.

77. Loving, distracted, indulgent, my parents would never follow through on threats to ground me.

78. 14 His lordship gave me an indulgent look, and acknowledged my curtsy very graciously.

79. The old feeling of indulgent tenderness overcame her vexation, and she grew thoroughly moved and alarmed.

80. Synonyms for Condoning include approving, tolerating, indulgent, lenient, permissive, forgiving, clement, liberal, forbearing and sympathetic